Clergy & Members:
- Fr. Thomas Vadassery (Administrator)
- Deacon Gary Haney
- Deacon Doug Lynch (KofC)
- Heidi Pack (Office – Sacraments/Pastoral Care)
- Wanda Stroeder (Office – Finances)
- Janet Jones (Member) (CWL)
- Jun Martin (Member)
- Tina Steffler (Member)
- Sandra Graham (Member)
- Kathy Wharton (Member)
- Leon Ramler (representing Finance Council)
- Joseph Soff (Chair)
- Joan Hillson (Secretary)
- Geraldine Sng (Member) (Fundraising/Social Committee)
- Matthew Petty (Member) (Youth Ministry)
- Louisa Gagne (Member) (Liturgy Committee)
The general function of the Parish Pastoral Council is to advise the Pastor in those pastoral matters presented to it by the Pastor. It carries out its function by:
• Informing the Pastor of the needs and concerns, gifts and resources of the whole parish and its members;
• Developing and reviewing a parish mission statement and periodically re-evaluating and revising it;
• Developing a parish pastoral plan;
• Participating in ongoing pastoral planning;
• Recommending policies, procedures and programs which would assist in the implementation of the mission statement and the parish pastoral plan;
• Reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs;
• Reflecting on diocesan pastoral priorities and recommending how they can be implemented in the parish.