We are looking for Liturgical volunteers . If you are able to share your gifts in any of these areas, please contact Wanda at the Parish office (403-948-5394; Parish Secretary Press 6 or Email)
Liturgical Ministries at St. Paul’s Parish
- Altar Server – Assisting in the liturgical celebrations around the altar. Must have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
- Children’s Liturgy – Volunteer teachers (for ages 3 – 6) who teach the children about the readings of the Mass in a child-like manner during all weekend Masses. Police Check required.
- Choir – Leading and assisting the liturgical music as an expression of worship for the whole community during Mass or other liturgical celebrations.
- Church Decorating Committee – Preparing and decorating the church for the various liturgical seasons.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. Must be 16 years or older and Confirmed.
- Proclaimer – Believing and proclaiming the Word of God. Must be Confirmed and a strong fluent reader.
- Sacristan – Helps to prepare for the celebration of the Mass, funerals, weddings and other special occasions. Police Check required.
- Usher – Welcoming and assisting parishioners in seating, organizing, assisting in the offertory collection during and after Mass. Police Check required.
Other Ministries & Groups within St. Paul’s Parish
- Catholic Women’s League – The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a place of fellowship as well as personal and spiritual growth, open to both Catholic and non-Catholic women alike. The CWL is also a major women’s organization confronting controversial issues in our society and representing the views of Catholic women to both provincial and federal governments.
- Fund Raising Committee –Foster fellowship and a vibrant parish community through various fundraising events.
- Hospitality Committee – (Cookies & Coffee) Help in the kitchen after one of the weekend Masses and/or help with occasional parish brunches.
- Moms’ Group – Welcoming Moms ‘in all shoes,’ in every stage of motherhood, and every culture with a mix of teaching/discussion, spiritual growth, service, and socializing.
- Knights of Columbus – From the moment of the founding of the Knights of Columbus in 1882, charity has been the first principle. We are men of faith and men of action.
- Pastoral Care – Visiting and praying with the ill, shut in and offering the Body of Christ to them. Police check required.
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) – Confirmed Catholic adults who are interested in helping adults prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation into the Catholic faith.
- Sacramental Team (First Communion, Reconciliation & Confirmation) – Adults and youth grades 7 and up to help with workshop registration and children’s retreats. Police check required for adults.
- Seniors’ Lunch committee – assist with shopping, preparation, serving and clean up of Seniors Lunch.
- Sound & Video Ministry – monitoring the sound board during Mass and sometimes funerals. Training provided.
- Prayer Group – pray before and after Mass during the week and prior to all weekend Masses.
- Youth Group – Volunteers will help to engage youth from grades 6 to 12 and assist them with developing a deeper Catholic faith through fellowship in the form of interactive games, watching faith formation videos and discussion activities. Must be 18 years and older. Police check required.
If you are interested in signing up or have questions about joining any of the above ministries or groups (Use the link above) or, fill in our
Ministry Sign-up Sheet located in the hallway.
“There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;
and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord;
and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.
To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-7