Baptism is the gift of new Life. It is an expression of faith and through it we become a part of our Christian community where we experience the presence of the risen Christ.
Online Baptism Preparation Class
It is best to complete the Baptism Preparation Course prior to the birth of your first child and only needs to be completed once. If you have completed a baptism preparation course in another parish or another country prior to having an older child baptized, you do not need to take it again. Simply provide us with the place and date of completion.
All documents must be completed prior to booking the Baptismal date
Baptism Requirements for Infants and Children 0-6 years
- The parents are to complete a Baptism Preparation Course.
- The Baptism Course does not need to be repeated when baptizing another child at St. Paul’s, in the future.
- Required:
1) A copy of one of the Catholic Parents Baptism or Profession of Faith Certificate
2) A copy of the Child’s Birth Certificate and Godparents Baptismal Certificate
3) A Signed Baptism Application Form
4) Completed a Baptism Prep Class. - Stole Fees can be given to the celebrant (priest or deacon). Stole Fees are free will offerings given by the laity to clergy for different rites or ceremonies associated with the church. There is no defined amount and tax receipts are not issued for stole fees. Please mark the envelope as “Stole fee”.
Baptism Requirements for Children and Youth 7- 17 years
- As above along with the following additions.
- Contact Sacramental coordinator [Sacramental Coordinator; Phone: 403-948-5394; Press 7 or Email to arrange pickup of study material, as needed.
- If used a Parent/Child Baptism booklet needs to be completed (allow approximately 12 weeks to complete).
- Youth ages 15-17 may prepare on their own.
- Baptism Dates (maximum of 7 Baptisms per date)
2025 - Apr 26th, May 17th, June 7th, Jul 5th, Aug 16th, Sep 13th, Oct 11th, Nov 8th, Dec 6th
Application Form for Baptism
How to choose Godparents
Questions can be directed to: Sacramental Coordinator,
Phone: 403-948-5394 (Press 7) or Email.